Theme: “Chaos”
The Maw
You are being followed. He lurks. A horror game inspired by doom and greek mythos.
Billhead Armada
Team Aircon
Alien invaders are planning a mass invasion of your planet, but luckily you are the ace pilot. This is your most dangerous mission yet! Defeat the 7 commanding officers of the billhead armada, then fight the most dangerous of them all, Admiral Billington Bill!
Box Cluttering Chaos
Nothing Springs to Mind
Strategically explode boxes to create chaos.
Potatoware: Microbomb Mayhem
Working Weirdos
This is a game for 2 players using only the spacebar. You two are tasked with playing quick-fire games, but a ticking bomb is put against the player currently playing the game. If the timer reaches 0 when you're the one playing the game, you lose and the other person wins. Better beat those challenges quickly!
Prelude to Ragnarok
Hávamál Games
An online multiplayer game made for Duck Sauce Games' GameJam, in the style of Bowman Prelude.
Soon TM